Get Cooking
Is a FREE 6 week course provided by Dudley MBC, Office of Public Health, the
course covers key healthy eating messages and practical ways in which they
be achieved. Each session is 2 hours long and provides invaluable
information on
ways to reduce your fat, salt and sugar intake, all vital to help maintain a
healthy weight. There are group cooking activities to put the healthy eating
message into practice and gain ideas for cooking on a budget. You can even
access a range of healthy recipes, make healthier curries, chicken nuggets,
homemade burgers, homemade pizza and many more recipes adapted to be better
for your long term health and weight.
These sessions are open to anyone who is resident of the Dudley Borough or
registered with a Dudley GP, age 16 years or older and who want to change
what they are eating!
Can’t Cook, Won’t Cook
A new service for the ‘can’t cook, won’t cook’ residents of the
to learn
more about healthy cooking and improve their practical food skills
‘Fun with Food’ is a 12 week programme of fun practical cooking sessions
consisting of
two levels ‘Essential’ and ‘Intermediate’. Sessions are based on a different
food theme
each week and allow you to use a range of food preparation skills, cooking
methods and
fresh and seasonal ingredients to produce healthy and tasty meals in
Sessions are held in various community venues and recipes are cooked
individually or in
pairs with free recipes and fact sheets given out each session.
On the last session you’ll have a chance to bring in your own ingredients
your skills and knowledge by cooking your favourite healthy recipe and
it with
the group.
Sessions are open to anyone who is a resident of Dudley borough, registered
Dudley GP, or works in the borough. If you are under the age of 16 you must
attend with
an adult age 18+.
To find out which level is best for you just give us a call. Whichever level
you will be sure to feel more confident in cooking meals for yourself and
and improve your diet.
Comparison Get Cooking! Service and the Fun with Food Programme
Get Cooking
- Objectives:
- Raise awareness and improve knowledge
- Encourage and support positive behaviour change
- Improve confidence and skills in putting healthy eating
messages into practice
- Provide an opportunity to address local food for health
- Criteria:
- Age 16+
- Resident of Dudley Borough/ work in Dudley Borough/
registered with Dudley GP
- Poor diet/ poor cooking skills
- Motivated to change
- Typical session split in two – approx 1 hr discussion/
activities on specific nutrition topic and approx 1 hr
cooking and eating together
- Each session is nutrition topic themed, e.g. 5 a day,
eatwell plate, salt and health, fats and health etc
- Cook recipes collectively as a group
- Completion is attendance of 4 or more sessions
Fun with Food
- Objectives:
- Improve confidence, experience and skills in healthy
food preparation and healthy cooking
- Cook healthy balanced and tasty meals using a variety of
fresh and seasonal ingredients, developing healthy
cooking methods and a range of food preparation
techniques and skills
- Offered as a step down or maintenance service
- Offered as a ‘fill in’ or ‘starter’ service whilst on
waiting list for other lifestyle programmes
- Provides a basis for informal consultation
- Criteria:
- Age 16+, if under 16 then must be accompanied with an
adult 18+
- Resident of Dudley Borough/ work in Dudley Borough/
registered with Dudley GP
- Poor diet/ poor cooking skills
- Motivated to change
- Two levels – essential is 1¾ hrs and intermediate is 2¼
- Typical session – full time food prep and cooking, demo
activities, tasting and discussion at the end
- Each session is food themed, e.g. eggs, pasta, fruit,
veg and salad, fish, beans and lentils etc
- Cook individually or in pairs at workstations, some
practical demos provided by facilitator
- Flexibility in attendance – start at any session, can
drop in
- Collect stamps on loyalty card, receive cooking utensil/
apron on last session if complete 8 or more sessions