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Sweet and Sour Chicken Easy, 30 Mins or less, Main Meal, Dairy Free, Chicken
Speedy Pizza Moderate, 30 Mins or less, Main Meal, Light Meal / Snack, Vegetarian, Bread
Chicken Chow Mein Easy, 30 Mins or less, Main Meal, Dairy Free, Meat, Chicken
Broccoli and Salmon Pasta Bake Very Easy, 45 Mins or less, 30 Mins or less, Main Meal, Vegetables, Rice, pasta, other grains
Apple Crumble Easy, Very Easy, 45 Mins or less, 30 Mins or less, Sweet Stuff, Dairy Free, Vegan, Vegetarian, Fruit
Chinese vegetable stir fry with egg noodles Easy, 30 Mins or less, Main Meal, Dairy Free, Vegetarian, Vegetables, Rice, pasta, other grains
Tuna and pasta with crunchy sweetcorn and peppers 30 Mins or less, Main Meal, Light Meal / Snack, Fish / Shellfish, Rice, pasta, other grains
Pasta with Lentils and Red pepper sauce Very Easy, 30 Mins or less, Main Meal, Vegetarian, Beans and Lentils, Rice, pasta, other grains
Salad with sweet citrus orange, crunchy celery and apple with a walnut creamy dressing Very Easy, 30 Mins or less, Light Meal / Snack, Vegetarian, Fruit, Vegetables, Nuts and Seeds
Homemade Burgers with Tomato Salsa or Coleslaw Main Meal, Light Meal / Snack, Meat, 30 Mins or less, Very Easy
Spiced parsnip soup Very Easy, 30 Mins or less, Soups and Smoothies, Light Meal / Snack, Vegetarian, Vegetables
Pan fried vegetable and potato patties Very Easy, 30 Mins or less, Light Meal / Snack, Vegetarian, Vegetables
Egg fried rice with leftover ham or turkey meat Easy, 30 Mins or less, Main Meal, Light Meal / Snack, Rice, pasta, other grains, Meat
Use up the leftover stilton with baked mushrooms Very Easy, 30 Mins or less, Side Dish, Light Meal / Snack, Vegetables
Brussel sprouts with bacon and ricotta cheese pasta Very Easy, 30 Mins or less, Main Meal, Light Meal / Snack, Vegetables, Rice, pasta, other grains
Easy winter warmer soup recipe 30 Mins or less, Soups and Smoothies, Light Meal / Snack, Vegetables
Fruity biscuits made with oats and syrup 30 Mins or less, Sweet Stuff
Quick pizza made from pitta bread or savoury muffins 30 Mins or less, Light Meal / Snack, Bread
Stir fry pork pieces with peppers in hoisin sauce Easy, 30 Mins or less, Main Meal, Meat
Easy pancakes with a choice of sweet or savoury fillings Very Easy, 30 Mins or less, Sweet Stuff, Light Meal / Snack, Vegetarian, Bread