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Butternut Squash Soup Easy, 45 Mins or less, Soups and Smoothies, Light Meal / Snack, Vegetarian, Vegetables
Roasted Vegetable Cous Cous Easy, 45 Mins or less, Side Dish, Main Meal, Light Meal / Snack, Vegetables, Rice, pasta, other grains
Fishcakes Very Easy, 45 Mins or less, Main Meal, Light Meal / Snack, Fish / Shellfish
Broccoli and Salmon Pasta Bake Very Easy, 45 Mins or less, 30 Mins or less, Main Meal, Vegetables, Rice, pasta, other grains
Apple Crumble Easy, Very Easy, 45 Mins or less, 30 Mins or less, Sweet Stuff, Dairy Free, Vegan, Vegetarian, Fruit
Lynn’s Fruity Pud Very Easy, 45 Mins or less, Sweet Stuff, Vegetarian, Bread
A selection of vegetables simmered in a coconut curry sauce Easy, 45 Mins or less, Main Meal, Vegetarian, Vegetables
Healthy salmon fillets marinated in spices and oven baked Moderate, 45 Mins or less, Main Meal, Dairy Free, Fish / Shellfish
Spicy and fruity stir fry - influence from the Caribbean 45 Mins or less, Main Meal, Chicken
Delicious homemade scones Sweet Stuff, 45 Mins or less
A variation of the Anglo-Indian dish of fish, rice and eggs. 45 Mins or less, Fish / Shellfish, Rice, pasta, other grains