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Creamy fish pie with leek and potato topping Main Meal, Vegetables, Fish / Shellfish
Tuna and pasta with crunchy sweetcorn and peppers 30 Mins or less, Main Meal, Light Meal / Snack, Fish / Shellfish, Rice, pasta, other grains
Salmon in a crunchy crumb with a zesty creamy dressing Moderate, Over a hour, Main Meal, Light Meal / Snack, Fish / Shellfish, Bread
Fishcakes Very Easy, 45 Mins or less, Main Meal, Light Meal / Snack, Fish / Shellfish
Healthy salmon fillets marinated in spices and oven baked Moderate, 45 Mins or less, Main Meal, Dairy Free, Fish / Shellfish
A variation of the Anglo-Indian dish of fish, rice and eggs. 45 Mins or less, Fish / Shellfish, Rice, pasta, other grains