Welcome to Healthy Dudley. This is the new public health website.

Five ways to wellbeing

Five ways to wellbeing icons colourful images on a white background


The ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’ have been identified as simple actions that anyone can take to have a positive impact on their day to day wellbeing. Why not try building on these five actions to see if they can make a difference to your wellbeing.


Post: Send a letter, pictures, photographs or postcards. It is a great feeling to send and to receive something nice through the post.

Video: Live video calls can be between two people or a group. If you have access to the internet most video calls are free of charge. You could talk, play a board game, try a quiz, work through a crossword or support each other with a piece of work. There is now a wide range of platforms available.

Telephone: Sometimes a simple telephone chat can be enough to help people feel connected. Befriending services are also available for people who would like to connect with another, Silverline with Age UK help to support older people through telephone friendship. Mind have the Side By Side supportive online community where you can receive and give help to others in similar situations to you.

Connecting with the people you live with: Some of the ideas for the five ways to wellbeing could be shared with the people you live with. This could help stimulate conversations and be an avenue of support for one another.

Reach out to talk if you are struggling with your mental health or if you are worried about someone you know. There is help available! Talk to you GP or access mental health services.



Indoor Activities: Sport England have some fabulous resources giving ideas and support for being active at home or on our own outdoors. They have resources for people of all abilities and ages.

Outdoor Activities: The Dudley Borough has a varied and beautiful landscape, which can be explored by walking. Listed below are the borough’s nature reserves.

  • Saltwells some wide paths through the woodland and an open meadow area.
  • Barrow Hill open space
  • Wrens Nest some open space
  • Buckpool and Fens Pool Large areas of open space and some wide paths
  • The Leasowes some open space
  • Cotwall End mixture of woodland and open fields
  • Bumble Hole open space
  • Warrens Hall open space

Free Online Courses: Why not try a free online course at Dudley Adult and Community Learning.

Learning Resources: Chatter Pack have compiled a comprehensive list of resources to prevent you getting bored and help you to discover a new area of interest.

Lifelong Learning: Learning does not have to be about gaining a qualification, it can be a new or old hobby or skill, reading information from a website or any book that helps you learn about something you enjoy. You could also access Dudley’s Community Information Directory to see if there is a local group you would like to join.

Outdoor Space: Enjoy your outside space or views by taking the time to appreciate and identify wildlife. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds can help you get started and Wildlife Watch can help the whole family connect with nature, this is also suitable for children.

Indoor Space: If you don’t have an outside space you can try to bring nature inside by creating an indoor garden.

Mindfulness: Why not try some mindfulness activities, find out more about mindfulness on the Every Mind Matters website.

Volunteering opportunities: There are many volunteering opportunities across Dudley. Dudley Council for Voluntary Service will help to find the best opportunity for you.

Give to a charity: Such as the Black Country Foodbank or any other good cause you feel you would like to support.

Help a neighbour: Watch out for those you know are vulnerable in your community, check that they are not struggling and offer a helping hand where you can.

Give to a friend or family member: Why not give a friend or a family member a telephone call to find out how they are and give your complete attention, why not access the six tips for active listening so you can give your full support.