Welcome to Healthy Dudley. This is the new public health website.

Save a life, take the Zero Suicide Alliance training

Join the Zero Suicide Alliance and take the ZSA training today!

Dudley Council has joined the Zero Suicide Alliance. Anyone can join the ZSA as a member organisation or as an individual.
Examples of Zero Suicide Alliance member organisations are Councils, NHS Trusts or Charities. These organisations have taken a pledge to address suicide within their communities.

Save a life, take the ZSA training!

Take this short online awareness training today and gain the skills to save a life.

We are calling on our communities to undertake Zero Suicide Alliance training. This is so people have the skills to
1. Recognise when someone may be experiencing suicidal thoughts.
2. Give the help that person needs.
The Zero Suicide Alliance (ZSA) have three modules that teach suicide prevention skills.
1. The Step Up Module gives tips on social isolation and loneliness.

2. The Gateway Module gives a brief introduction to the ZSA Suicide Awareness Training. It teaches basic skills to help people struggling with suicidal thoughts. This module takes 5-10 minutes to complete.

3. The ZSA Suicide Awareness Training takes around 20 minutes to complete. This module teaches methods to help people who need to reach out.


You will find these modules at Zero Suicide Alliance|Training

Services that will help you with your mental health.

If you need to talk
You can text SHOUT on 85258
You can telephone the Samaritans on 116 123.
The Black Country 24/7 Urgent Mental Health Helpline is available for anyone who is 16+ who needs urgent help with their mental health. Telephone 0800 008 6516, press 1 if you live in Sandwell or Wolverhampton. Press 2 if you live in Dudley or Walsall.

Dudley Talking Therapies Service offer a wide range of support in both 1:1 and group settings. To find out more and to self-refer visit Dudley Talking Therapy Service or telephone 0800 953 0404

To access support information go to Looking After Yourself

To find bereavement support go to Bereavement

Find out more about the five ways to wellbeing at Five Ways to Wellbeing

Find out more about your local community services, access Dudley CI