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Dudley, Let’s Get Dancing

Dudley, Let’s Get Dancing

A short 30-second video featuring former Dudley Mayor making moves to ABBA’s classic hit, Dancing Queen. We want to show everyone in Dudley how the right tune and some easy-to-follow steps can bring out anyone’s inner Dancing Queen! It’s important to remember that dancing, no matter how small or simple the dance moves, is a great way to keep your body moving.

This short routine can be done sitting down or standing up, depending on what is comfortable and accessible for you.

Dudley’s Dancing Queen Routine

Step 1:

Start with your hands near your knees and bring them up slowly stretching your arms and wiggling your fingers above your head, then bring your hands back down towards your knees.

Step 2:

‘You can dance’ sweep your right arm out away from your chest and to the right. ‘You can jive’ repeat the action with your left arm and sweep out to the left.

Step 3:

‘Having the time of’ pop a hand on each hip.

‘your life’ if you are doing the routine standing up you can spin round to the right in a circle. If you are sitting down, put your two hands in closed fists in front of one another and roll them forward, then back!

Step 4:

‘see that girl’ cup your right hand over your forehead whilst facing towards the right and bobbing up and down to the beat. For the following line repeat the same actions but all to the left.

Step 5:

‘diggin’ use your two hands together as though you are holding a spade and dig towards the left.

‘dancing’ pop your left hand on your hip, then point towards your left hip with your right hand.

‘queen’ stick your right hand out across your body and up towards the ceiling.

If you can’t quite make this exact routine work for you, try something else!

Put on your favourite song and use your own dance moves to get your body moving more.

Click on the image to view the dance routine


Visit our Let’s Get Moving surveys page. There are two short surveys to complete, before you start a challenge fill in the ‘starting line’ survey, then after six weeks complete the ‘follow up’ survey and let us know how you got on. The surveys are short and will only take a couple of minutes of your time.

Always work at your own pace and do what feels comfortable. If you are unsure if these exercises are suitable, check with a healthcare professional first.