Welcome to Healthy Dudley. This is the new public health website.

The cuppa routine

Don’t waste your waiting time

Let’s Get Moving this winter with the cuppa routine.

It’s cold, it’s miserable, but we don’t need to be. Let’s fight off the winter blues and increase our fitness, health and wellbeing in the comfort of our own kitchen!


The challenge is to do four simple exercises in the time it takes you to boil the kettle.

Every time you make a hot drink follow this simple routine.


10 heel raises
10 arm raises
10 sit to stands
10 side leg raises

All you need to do is watch the video or download the handout sheet and copy the exercises.

And don’t worry, if you can’t manage 10 repetitions straight away, do what you can, and as you get stronger you can increase your number.


If you do these exercises each time you make a cuppa, your strength, balance and mobility will increase.

Thank you

Thank you to Julie Robinson, a specialist exercise instructor for older adults, who kindly provided this routine.



Visit our Let’s Get Moving surveys page. There are two short surveys to complete, before you start a challenge fill in the ‘starting line’ survey, then after six weeks complete the ‘follow up’ survey and let us know how you got on. The surveys are short and will only take a couple of minutes of your time.

Always work at your own pace and do what feels comfortable. If you are unsure if these exercises are suitable, check with a healthcare professional first.