Introduction to Change The Way You Age
Welcome to Change The Way You Age. We all age, that is a fact of life - from the day we are born we are ageing. However, how we age is not compulsory. A large proportion of how we age is through some of the choices we make in life.
The Change The Way You Age resource is a great way for you to consider your life choices earlier. You could do more exercise. Eat a healthy diet. Look after your mental health. Make sure you plan ahead. Discuss your plans with family and friends.
There are a lot of subjects covered in Change The Way You Age:
- A guide to planning your later life
- Ideas to be more active outdoors and volunteering
- Support to avoid scams
- Living Well Feeling Safe, including online assessment tool
- Healthy lifestyle service
- Maintaining strength and balance
- Support for long-term health conditions
- Planning ahead for bereavement
- How carers can use the later life planning guide
- Just Straight Talk - A community wellbeing project to help reduce loneliness