Lets Get is changing….

The new name for Lets Get will shortly move to Healthy Dudley and will also have a brand new website to boot! More information will follow soon!

please click on the image for Dudley COVID -19 Advice

If you find yourself isolating or at home for a period of time, which may be due to illness such as Coronavirus, flu, long-term illness or after an operation. These situations can all have an impact on you or your family. There could be many changes for you and your loved ones over this period, such as having to spend a lot of time at home or you could be concerned about your finances, work or your health. This can feel difficult and stressful, however, there are many organisations that can support you to overcome some of these worries.

Mental Health

one you

You may have to change your lifestyle if you find yourself at home for a period of time. This might feel strange and uncomfortable and may also have an impact on your wellbeing. There is lots of support available to help you through this.

The Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation mental health support helpline is available 24/7 for adults, older adults and children and young people requiring urgent mental health support

Call 0800 008 6516, 24 hours a day 7 days a week or text 07860 025281

Please see the services below for further support:



SHOUT - You can also text SHOUT to 85258 - A free 24/7 mental health line


NHS Every Mind Matters (Stay well at home)

Mental Health Foundation


Any death may leave us feeling shocked or numb. It may be you are unable to connect with people as you would want to. This may already be a difficult time and it may be more so if you are bereaved. Please follow the link below for guidance and support.

Bereavement Support and Advice

The Five Ways to Wellbeing


Finding out more about the five ways to wellbeing can really support us all with our mental health. Practising the five ways to wellbeing can help us to prevent some mental health difficulties and it can also help us to overcome some of the difficulties that we might have been experiencing. Click on the image below to find out more.

Five ways to wellbeing icons

Feeling Isolated or Lonely


It could be that you have feel isolated or lonely during this time. If so, these organisations can help.

Dudley Pleased to Meet You

Silverline (over 60s)

Side By Side MIND

Beacon Centre Befriending Service - to refer into the programme, call Beacon on 01902 880111 or email [email protected]

Alcohol & Substance Misuse


You could find that during this time your drug and /or alcohol use may increase. If you would like support with this, you can access these services for help and guidance.

Atlantic Recovery Centre


Turning Point


Domestic Abuse


This can be a difficult and worrying time for everyone but particularly so for adults and children living with abuse. If you or someone else is in immediate danger, please call 999 and ask for the police. Silent calls will work if you are not safe to speak – use the Silent Solution system; call 999 and then press 55 when prompted

If you can’t use a voice phone, you can register with the police text service, text REGISTER to 999. You will get a text which tells you what to do next. Do this when it is safe so you can text when you are in danger, find out more

Safe & sound, Dudley Community Safety Partnership - for help and support call Dudley borough’s single point of contact (SPOC) 01384 455411 (24 hours), text or Whatsapp 07384 466181 (9am to 9pm weekdays).

Support For Carers


Many people who provide care often do not recognise themselves as a carer and can therefore be unaware of the support available to them. Below are some services with information available that can provide help and support.

Dudley Disability Service

Disability Rights

Support for Carers – Dudley Carers Hub

Alzheimer’s Society

Age UK

Physical Health


Healthy Eating

You may find that your eating habits have changed during this time. Eating a healthy diet is important to maintain health and boost your immunity.

Find out about eating a healthy diet


If you are concerned about how your isolation / illness will effect you during pregnancy, please contact your GP or midwife.

You can also discover a range of guidance and support from Dudley Council and partners, designed for families of children from conception to age two, you can find out more by visiting Dudley Council’s Start for Life Webpage.

Long Term Health Conditions


If you have a long term health condition, your GP can give you specific advice. Below are links to sites with general information on how you can look after yourself:



Heart Disease


Cost of Living Support

We recognise that this period may be one of increased financial pressure. For any concerns relating to finances please go to Dudley Council’s Cost of Living Website for guidance on how to get further support.

Cost of Living | Dudley

Please click on the image to find out more about DCID

Local Services and Organisations

For locating and contacting local services and organisations please visit Dudley Community Information Directory.