Lets Get is changing….

The new name for Lets Get will shortly move to Healthy Dudley and will also have a brand new website to boot! More information will follow soon!

The injected flu vaccine is offered free of charge on the NHS to people who are at risk. This is to ensure they are protected against catching flu and developing serious complications.

In the autumn/winter of 2023/24, the flu vaccine is being offered on the NHS to:

  • adults 65 and over
  • people with certain medical conditions (this includes children in at-risk groups from 6 months and those under 65 years)
  • pregnant women
  • those in long stay residential care homes
  • carers in receipt of carer’s allowance, or those who are the main carer of an elderly or disabled person
  • close contacts of immunocompromised individuals
  • frontline workers in a social care setting without an employer led occupational health scheme including those working for a registered residential care or nursing home, registered domiciliary care providers, voluntary managed hospice providers and those that are employed by those who receive direct payments (personal budgets) or personal health budgets, such as personal assistants
  • children aged 2 or 3 years on 31st August 2023
  • all primary school children (reception to year 6)
  • all secondary school children (year 7 to year 11)


Please visit the Let’s Get pages Vaccinations in schools and college age children and Vaccination in adults. You can also visit the Flu Fighters Dudley page.

Further information can be found on the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) webpage. There is also information available in other languages, which can be found on the UKHSA page.

To read more about who should have the flu vaccine visit the NHS page.

Get your free flu jab from your GP or pharmacy. But don’t just take our word for it - have a listen to Doctor Doreen!