Lets Get is changing….

The new name for Lets Get will shortly move to Healthy Dudley and will also have a brand new website to boot! More information will follow soon!

Spring In Your Step


The ‘Spring In Your Step’ challenge urges everyone to walk, either on the spot, or outside, for at least five minutes, walk on your toes and then your heels for 30 seconds each, repeating three more times if you can. Whether you are at home or out and about, climbing the stairs a few times a day is a great workout. These exercises are designed to build up both fitness and balance.

Over time people are encouraged to walk for longer, up to 30 minutes each day, either in one go, or through walking for a shorter time several times a day.


Walking is free, easy to do and one of the simplest ways of getting more active. In Dudley there are lots of ways to be active through walking, including:

  • Ramblers Wellbeing Walks, which take place in several places across the borough.
  • Group walks that take place from the Healthy Hubs at four parks in the borough.
  • Discover Dudley tourism website hosts a number of self-guided walks for people to explore the history and heritage of the borough.

Anyone wishing to record how many steps they achieve can download the NHS Active 10 app. This anonymously records every minute of walking you do. Just pop your phone in your pocket and start walking.

Dudley’s leisure centres are also great places to visit to achieve your fitness goals.



Visit our Let’s Get Moving surveys page. There are two short surveys to complete, before you start a challenge fill in the ‘starting line’ survey, then after six weeks complete the ‘follow up’ survey and let us know how you got on. The surveys are short and will only take a couple of minutes of your time.


Always work at your own pace and do what feels comfortable. If you are unsure if these exercises are suitable, check with a healthcare professional first.