Citizens Advice Dudley Borough provides free, independent and confidential information and advice on a wide range of issues.
For help call their Contact Centre on 0300 3309 044
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday (local rate) between 9:30am-3:30pm.
Visit their website: for more information and a complete list of all the services that they offer across the Dudley Borough.
Citizens Advice Dudley Borough offer a FREE Debt Advice service:
Call their mobile number 07799 070595 Monday to Friday between 9.30am-4pm.
Text “Debt” to 07799 070595 at any time with your name and contact number. Someone will contact you within two working days
Black Country Foodbank helps vulnerable individuals and families in crisis through the provision of 3-days’ emergency food supplies while a longer-term solution is developed. The services they provide have an enormous impact on the people who use them, giving them an important breathing space at a time of great need
Stop Loan Sharks investigate and prosecute loan sharks. Their official title is The England Illegal Money Lending Team. They are the lead organisation in England with the power to prosecute loan sharks and illegal money lenders. Since 2004, they have helped over 30,000 people who have borrowed from loan sharks