Getting started….

With so much information out there on what you should and shouldn’t eat, sometimes it can become really confusing, making it difficult to make the right choices. Therefore, we have tried to keep things simple and provide you with bite-size information you can work through at your own pace. You will find lots of tips, advice and resources to help you and your family make simple lifestyle changes to that are easy to maintain.

Fail to plan and you will plan to fail!

We all get caught up in our busy routines and juggling family life, which means finding time to make lifestyle changes can be difficult. Making changes is a big commitment and it might not be easy all of the time.

However, the fact that you are reading this information suggests that you want to make some changes to improve your family’s lifestyle and this is a really positive start!

Before you begin it is a good idea for you and your family to write down the answers to the following questions:

  • Why do you want to make changes?
  • What changes would you like to make? See advice on setting goals, below
  • What difference will these changes make to you and your family?

Writing your answers down can be very empowering and motivating - if you feel like giving up you can look at your list and remind yourself of why you wanted to make these changes.

It is also worth reminding yourself that habits are very hard to change, and you may have to practice a new way of doing things up to 20 times before it becomes a normal part of your life.

Setting goals

Before you and your family start to make changes to your lifestyle, you need to set a plan with some realistic goals. Don’t set yourself up to fail by setting big goals that you’ll struggle to achieve.

Talk with your family about making some lifestyle changes. Discuss as a family one or two goals you would all like to achieve over the next few weeks. Write them all down and look at how you can break each goal down into small steps for each family member.

Put the goals somewhere where everyone can see them. It doesn’t matter how small they are it’s about building on success and recognising achievements, which will help motivate you as a family. It will take time to make long term changes to your lifestyle – but you can do it, just take it one step at a time.

Family Healthy Lifestyle Service

If you and your family feel they would benefit from some 1 to 1 support, you can arrange an appointment with one of Dudley’s Family Wellness Coaches who will help and guide you to achieve your health goals. More information on this service can be found here.

Good luck on your journey – you can do this!