Introduction to change the way you age
Welcome to change the way you age. We all age, that is a fact of life - from the day we are born we are ageing. However, how we age is not compulsory. A large proportion of how we age is through some of the choices we make in life.
The change the way you age resources on this website are a great opportunity for you to explore and consider your choices that help you to age well and to make decisions earlier. This could be about making healthier lifestyle choices, maintaining physical fitness and emotional wellbeing, planning ahead to ensure you have discussed life-changing events with your friends and family.
There are a number of subjects covered in change the way you age:
- A guide to planning your later life
- Ideas to be more active outdoors and volunteering
- Support to avoid scams
- Online assessment tool to help you stay safe at home
- Healthy lifestyle service
- Maintaining strength and balance
- Support for long-term health conditions
- Planning ahead for bereavement
- How carers can use the later life planning guide
- Community project by Just Straight Talk