Supporting victims of anti-social behaviour

Thanks to Voluntary Sector Innovation Fund support Black Country Housing Group are giving tailored practical and emotional support for victims of persistent and ongoing anti-social behaviour. This is allowing targeted communities to enjoy a significant reduction in anti-social behaviour, an increase in cultural understanding and cohesion and increased capacity to find solutions for their own issues.

Black Country Housing Group, Victim Support Dudley Community Cohesion Project and the Black Country Well Being Centre hosted and delivered an Open Mic Community event on Saturday 31st August. This event brought the communities together attracting over 150 people from Upper/Lower Gornal and other parts of the Black Country together. The community cohesion event was aimed at highlighting strengths, showcasing local talent and uniting people across the cultural and generational spectrum. The event was a big success, some of the highlights can be seen below:


  • The event was opened with the reading of a poem written by a victim of anti-social behaviour.
  • 12 young people auditioned and performed at the event showcasing an amazing and diverse array of talent and effort. There were prize winners with the 1st place also winning an opportunity to be featured on Black Country Radio.
  • Businesses supported the event donating over £600 worth of raffle prizes.
  • There were guest appearances from the Mayor of Dudley as well as footballers, Tony Dailey, Kyle Edwards and Ewan Baggott.


The project is now focusing on the Wrens Nest area. It has built up positive relationships especially with the Youth Service, Dudley College, local volunteers and the Child and Adult Mental Health Service.

Many of the clients have reflected positively on the support they have had. Here are some of their comments.

Client 1’s comment when closing the case

“I don’t think I would have got through this without your support. You helped me to look at things from a different perspective and reinforced this is not my fault and it isn’t normal to live this way. You taught me how to cope and how not to be a victim. Thank you so much.”

Client 2’s comment showing a family brought together through the project.

“Thank you so much for believing in me. I now believe in myself I have reunited with my dad; I have a father who wants to be a part of my life. Without Boss the Mic this would have not happened”

Client 3’s comment when closing the case

“I can’t tell you how much I have appreciated your help. I really don’t know how I would have coped without you. I don’t think I would have.”

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Client 4’s comment showing a growth in self-confidence

Thank you so much for allowing me to live my dream by entering and winning Boss the Mic.”

This person has continued to enter other talent competitions and has even won one.