Carers Enabler

The Voluntary Sector Innovation Fund has allowed Ehsas Carers to employ a ‘Carers Enabler.’ They are engaging with hard to reach communities identifying hidden carers, and carers who are isolated due to their caring role. Being isolated through caring impacts on their physical health and mental wellbeing.

Ehsas Carers are providing practical and emotional support to family carers, particularly women who are often the principal carers.

Ehsas Carers are achieving this through befriending and coffee mornings which offer peer support. Carers are learning new skills to support their caring roles studying first aid and autism awareness. They are also learning new skills to support themselves to understand their own health and wellbeing.

Additional outreach visits are taking place to engage with housebound carers reducing the risk of crises caused by isolation.

Thanks to this project people are less lonely and better connected socially.