Compton Care

Compton Care have received funding from the Innovation Fund to support the development of volunteer lead Bereavement Information Hubs where anyone who has been affected by death and dying can receive support and access services to help them deal with the grief of losing a loved one. The aim of this initiative is to create Compassionate Communities, whereby people recognise the importance of supporting each other in times of crisis and loss and grief. Free specialist counselling support will also be made available through the hubs and this will also include preparing people for loss i.e. if someone in the family has a terminal illness. In addition, to the specialist and peer support available in the hubs, there will be two hubs which specifically focus on supporting young people (up to the age of 25) and people from the LGBTQ+ community.


The Bereavement Information Hubs will operate within local venues and will enable individuals to feel better supported to deal with their loss, as support received will mainly be given by those who themselves, have experienced loss. Through this help, individuals will be able to obtain information and support, empowering them to better manage their own experience and that of others. Utilising Local Authority directories, each hub will have the facility to search on-line for local services and support. By giving service users the opportunity to seek this support at a local level will enable people to feel supported and better connected to their community.