
With funding from the Innovation Fund, the Youth Hub Partnership (with Cranstoun as lead provider) will be developing and delivering ‘The Youth Club’ which will act as an Integrated Young Person’s Wellbeing Service providing generic and targeted advice and support to meet the needs of young people who require interventions that will promote their wellbeing, improve their resilience and provide treatment and therapy for a range of risk taking behaviours. The ambition is that young people will be able to access the right help at the right time, either on site at the Youth Hub or via a referral to an organisation within the Partnership to enable them to function well, flourish and thrive.


The Youth Club will assess each young person’s needs taking a “no wrong door” approach to tailor the most relevant and timely range of advice and support. Support interventions will include a range of self-help strategies and specialist services. This initiative will be based on a “hub and spokes” model with the Cranstoun building on Castle Street in Dudley being the centre of the “hub”. Switch (Young Person’s Drug and Alcohol Service and smoking cessation) and Brook (Sexual Health and Wellbeing Service) will be available at this location along with support from Dudley Young Health Champions. A GP will be on site offering general health checks at certain times during the week.