Gateway to Opportunity

Disability in Action has grown since it became a charity in October 2017, and to support further growth they have received funding from the Innovation Fund to help raise people’s awareness of the services they provide at the Queens Cross Network and encourage more people to maximise their independence enabling them to live as full and happy a life as possible.


This funded project aims to improve the visual identity of Disability in Action in order to ensure everyone who is living with a disability in Dudley can use the centre and receive support and get to know the opportunities available to them and perhaps even become involved as volunteers and really make something of their lives.

Disability in Action will be raising the profile of the centre by getting ‘the word out’ by having open days at Queens Cross Network and by meeting people face to face at external events, to tell people about the service and how they can become involved. They plan to do more working with Job Centres and Education services and are planning to go out to 6th form schools and colleges to make them aware of the centre and share what is on offer to people who want to volunteer.