Happier Minds Website for Dudley

A new website has been launched to help young people, parent carers and professionals find information about mental health in Dudley borough.


Happier Minds can help you find the mental wellbeing information you need. It also provides information on how to get help urgently for people in crisis.

The website has 3 sections – for young people, parent carers and school based professionals, all sections contain useful support and information.

  • The young people section for those aged 11yrs and over (secondary school and college), has video resources and useful contacts.
  • For parent/carers, there is information to help them to support their child and also resources to support their own mental wellbeing.
  • The professional section of the website has been designed for those working with young people in schools/colleges and provides useful information and resources.


5 ways to wellbeing

Everyone needs to know how to look after their mental health. The 5 ways to wellbeing are a set of actions that can be used every day to help do this.

For fun ideas to put an extra spring in your step watch the Dudley Take 5 films. The Big Steps film is great for those in Year 4 upwards or if you’re in Year 6 watch the Dudley Take 5 Steps Up film to hear the real life experiences of Year 7 students and their move to secondary school.

If you are worried about your child and would like some advice or support you can speak to your GP, your child’s class teacher or their School Nurse. Every school in Dudley has a School Nurse and the school receptionist will have their name and contact details.

Places to find support:

Young Minds has lots of useful information for parents and young people about mental health and they also have a parent helpline available if you want some advice.

Childline 0800 11 11 is a free and confidential helpline for children and young people up to 18 years of age. The are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.