Updated 5th January 2021

The Government has announced that Dudley and the whole of England is under national lockdown. This means you must stay at home. Please follow this guidance until further notice. Please access the Government Lockdown Rules Here

Blue Monday

Help us to turn Dudley GREEN on Monday 18th January 2021

Find out what you can do to make a difference to people’s health and happiness

The third Monday in January is known as Blue Monday and is claimed to be one of the most depressing days of the year.

But not this year, we have had enough of feeling blue! We want to banish Blue Monday by turning Dudley GREEN! Green is the international colour for mental health awareness and is also the colour of optimism, new beginnings and hope.

The pandemic has brought the community together from clapping for carers, displaying rainbows in the windows and volunteering for neighbours and the vulnerable. We want to celebrate Dudley borough’s community spirit and the start of a new year by turning Dudley GREEN.

Join us to raise awareness of the importance of our mental health, kindness and varied free support that’s available across the borough.

Find out how you can get involved by watching the short video and downloading your free resource pack below.


Let us know how you plan to turn Dudley GREEN by emailing us at [email protected] and/or by using #TurningDudleyGreen2021 on your social media posts.

Here are our social media links to find out more, connect with us and share how you have been turning Dudley GREEN.


Dudley Borough Twitter @DudleyMBC

Dudley Healthy Workplaces (@DWorkplaces) / Twitter

Links to Mental Health Support

Click here to access a range of information to support YOU.

Click here to access COVID -19 financial support.

Click here to find out more about bereavement support.

Find out more about the Five Ways to Wellbeing

You can find out more about staying safe and well during Covid-19 here

If you need to talk - you can text SHOUT to 85258 or call the Samaritans on 116123 both are free 24/7 helplines.

The Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation mental health support helpline is available 24-7 for adults, older adults and children and young people requiring urgent mental health support during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Call 0345 646 0827, 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Press 1 if you live in Sandwell or Wolverhampton. Press 2 if you live in Dudley or Walsall.

Dudley Talking Therapies Service offer a wide range of CBT and Counselling support via telephone, video and face to face in both 1:1 and group settings. To find out more and to self-refer visit https://www.dihc.nhs.uk/find-a-service/dudley-talking-therapy-service or call 0800 953 0404.

Further Information Packs

Find out more about your local community services, access Dudley ci