You can get local mum to mum support from the Dudley Breastfeeding Suppport Facebook page and the Dudley Health Visitors Facebook page. You can also call the National Breastfeeding Helpline on 0300 100 0210 or access online support via their web chat.


In the early days it can seem a bit daunting to go out and about with your little one and the idea of breastfeeding in public places can be difficult to overcome. However, try to remember most people won’t be bothered or even notice that you are feeding your baby.

Don’t forget, the law is also on your side and you can breastfeed wherever you want to. The Equality Act 2010 says it is discrimination to treat you unfavourably because you are breastfeeding. Further information about your rights to breastfeed can be found at Maternity Action.