The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists has information for preganant women and their families regarding Coronavirus (Covid-19) infection and pregnancy.

You can get local mum to mum support from Dudley Breastfeeding Support Facebook page and the Dudley Health Visitors Facebook page. You can also call the National Breastfeeding Helpline on 0300 100 0210 or access online support via their web chat.

Dudley Community Breastfeeding Support Workers are available for home visits, virtual video support and telephone support. Contact them by calling 01384 244358 or 01384 456111 ext.38878 or bleep 5050. They are part of the Dudley Infant Feeding Team at Russells Hall Hospital and along with your midwifery team, they are committed to supporting families to nurture their babies.

The Breastfeeding and Mum to Mum workshops that usually run at Russells Hall Hospital, have been stopped temporarily due to coronavirus. The information is currently available free of charge online.

You can start to bond with your baby before it is born. Simple things like you and your partner stroking, talking to and even singing to your baby while in the womb can start the bonding process. For bonding ideas take a look at the Building a Happy Baby leaflet.

From 28 weeks your midwife can sign you up to a free text service called Flo. Flo will send you texts during your pregnancy and up to 6 weeks after your baby is born with useful tips and information. If you’d like to know more about Flo have a look at our introduction to Flo video. Further information about Flo and how to sign up can be found here.

There’s a lot to do and think about when you’re expecting including preparing to feed your baby when he/she arrives. Start4Life has lots of useful information.

For information about breastfeeding and where to access support visit Dudley Babies.